Lighten up with a brand new smile

Smile please
How many of us cringe when we hear those very words for the simple fact that we’re embarrassed to show our teeth. Do you find that you’re envious of friends who have dazzling white smiles and wish it could be you? The sad thing is that it’s our love of the great British favourites such as tea, coffee, red wine and takeaway curries, that has contributed to those stained teeth that look back at us in the mirror. The answer could be to refrain from all of these British staples, but even then the ageing process will step in and take over, gradually turning our teeth more yellow as the years advance.
Whiter teeth can knock years of your appearance
It’s true, and just to prove a point there was a study conducted a while back whereby 2 photographs of the same woman were shown to 2,000 people. One showed her with gleaming white teeth and the other with artificially stained teeth. On being asked to guess her age, in the first photo it was suggested that she was about 30 and in the second, most people put her at over 40. What’s that tell you?
All is not lost
For those of you who have tried just about every tooth whitening treatment known to man, then the good news is that all is not lost. There’s a revolutionary teeth whitening treatment which is now being offered by Veritas Dental Care in Harley Street. It’s guaranteed to turn your teeth pearly white no matter what shade they currently are. In fact there has been so much hype about this system that it’s being hailed as the biggest breakthrough in teeth whitening in the last 10 years.
Whiter shade of pale
Known as Enlighten Evolution, this ground-breaking teeth whitening system is the only one in the world to guarantee that teeth will reach the whitest shade on a dentist’s shade guide. You may worry that this whiter than white shade may look totally false and OTT; but you’ll be pleased to know that natural teeth don’t achieve that false ‘in your face’ Hollywood smile that is so synonymous with many well-known celebs.
Safer than other systems
Dr. Sam Sherif is a great fan of Evolution because it uses sophisticated materials which in even the strongest of gels remain safe on the gums. In fact the gels contains far less hydrogen peroxide than other professional teeth whitening systems, which are so strong that a barrier cream is needed on the gums and lips to prevent burning. Not only is this system safer, but it’s also incredibly easy to use. One word of warning….. you’ll have to be prepared to put in some effort yourself, to get the very best results.
Here’s how the process works
The first stage involves a visit to Veritas Dental Care where Dr. Sherif will take an impression of your mouth. This is in order for custom bleach trays to be made at a dedicated lab which takes about two weeks. During this time you’ll be asked to swap your regular toothpaste and brush twice a day with a Evolution toothpaste, otherwise known as “Tooth Serum”. This isn’t any old toothpaste, instead it contains the same material as your tooth enamel is made from, Hydroxypatite. This not only protects the teeth and reduces sensitivity, but also improves the results of the whitening.
Next you’ll be asked to call back to the clinic to collect your bleaching trays and your home whitening kit. You’ll have to wear the trays on your teeth when you go to bed, for 14 consecutive nights, and also continue to brush twice a day with the tooth serum.
Fortnight completed, you just need to attend one more appointment with Dr. Sherif (remember to take your trays) for a treatment lasting around 40 minutes. This final treatment will involve having a stronger gel applied. This will lift the colour and stabilise it, while ensuring an even whiteness of all the teeth.
Top up your smile
The great thing about this treatment is that you can continue to use it at home since you get to keep the custom trays. It’s recommended that the trays are worn for just one night every couple of months or so, to keep your teeth at their optimum shade of white. Dr. Sherif can supply you with more whitening gel as required and for further protection you can even continue using the tooth serum which you can buy from Veritas Dental Care.
Enlighten Evolution tooth whitening can help everyone achieve the smile of their dreams so why not call Veritas Dental Care on 020 7580 5954 or follow this link to book an appointment with Dr. Sam Sherif and make your dreams come true.