Throw away those dentures, they are so yesterday

You’re certainly not alone if you feel that your dentures have a life of their own. Trying to keep them in place can be a real struggle and there’s only so much of that awful tasting denture adhesive that a person can stomach. In this day and age, surely people deserve better than a set of plastic teeth to replace their own?
Well, we certainly think so and that’s why we’re so keen to spread the word about “Teeth in an Hour”. At the London Dental Clinic, Dr. Sam Sherif uses this revolutionary procedure to totally transform a person’s life, giving them back their smile and their confidence, and yes….. you’ve guessed it, it only takes an hour!
It’s not that we’re saying everyone is unhappy with their dentures (although we know many that are) it’s just that today’s technology now means you could have a gleaming new set of permanent teeth to call your own.
Fighting a loosing battle
Dr. Sherif had this to say “ Ask any denture wearer what they dislike most about their dentures and the majority will say discomfort and a bad fit. Upper dentures tend to stay in place because of suction, but when it comes to lower dentures, well… you’re on a hiding to nothing. You see, not only does your tongue get in the way, but when you’ve suffered teeth loss, the surrounding bone that once supported them is no longer used. As a result it starts to dissolve away. This means that although your dentures were a good fit when you got them, the bone continues to shrink away and over time changes the contours of your jaw. The result is that your once snug-fitting dentures simply don’t fit as they used to. It’s a bit like being on a diet and finding that all of a sudden you need a belt to hold up your trousers”.
So how can teeth in an hour help?
Teeth in an Hour, on the other hand are fastened directly into the jawbone and as a result will halt bone loss, so no more bone shrinkage. In fact they go one step further and even encourage the growth of new bone.
Using cutting-edge technology, dentures can be replaced with a permanent bridge of fantastic natural-looking teeth. Unlike conventional dental implants which involve multiple surgeries and can take up to nine months to complete, with Teeth in an Hour, the patient is only subjected to one surgical process which is normally carried out under a local anaesthetic.
The thing is, ill fitting dentures have the ability to seriously mess up your life. Not only can they cause sore gums, but they can make it difficult to speak and eat, and can knock your confidence completely. Just to add insult to injury, having to take out your teeth at night and leave them to soak in a glass is not exactly the best look is it?
With Teeth in an Hour the procedure is so simple and unlike conventional dental implants you’re not hanging around for the best part of a year to see the final results. Instead advanced dental technology allows Dr. Sherif to use a CT scan and Virtual Reality software to plan the implant placement and also design and make the final bridge of teeth before any surgery even takes place. This type of technology is so accurate and safe that it makes for a practically painless dental treatment.
Business as usual
Whilst all the planning and preparations are carried out (taking on average just 2-4 weeks) the patient is left to carry on with their day to day business as usual. Prior to the appointment Dr. Sherif will have created a precise surgical guide. During the appointment the implant bridge will be placed into the correct position to allow for optimum functionality and aesthetics. Since the implants fit like a glove into the surgical sites created for them, there’s no waiting for bone to fuse around them and as a result you can use your new teeth right away.
Within the hour you’ll have gone from being a denture wearer to having a brand new set of gleaming natural-looking permanent teeth. This means that they never need to be removed at night for cleaning and are always going to fit. That’s guaranteed!
If you’re sick and tired of wearing dentures and would like to look younger, eat better, feel more healthy and wear a happy smile on your face, then what are you waiting for? Why not act now and speak to Dr. Sam Sherif about Teeth-in-an-Hour. Call 020 7580 5954 and book a consultation today.