Is it painful to have dental implants?

Dr. Sam Sherif and staff are happy to let you know that dental implant procedures have never been so easy to undergo and comfortable afterward as they are at Veritas Dental Care. Dr. Sherif, a leading cosmetic dentist located on Harley Street, London has years of experience and knowledge in smile correction and other dental procedures such as dental implants.
Many patients are concerned about the level of pain which their procedure may cause for them. This is a common and legitimate question and must be answered honestly. Although any form of dental surgery may cause some discomfort, dental implants usually only cause minimal pain, and the results make for a more confident and natural smile. Levels of comfort during the dental implant procedure can be improved dramatically in consultation with Veritas Dental Care.
For instance, pre-surgery discussion will include options such as local or general anesthesia. With a local anesthesia the specific area being worked on in your mouth will be numbed or ‘frozen’ prior to work. With a general anesthesia you will undergo the work and you will not be conscious during the procedure. For local anesthesia there are many sedative options so that you do not have to feel anxiety or discomfort while sitting in the chair for the surgery. Your body does not understand that this situation is not life or death so it may respond by making you feel as though you want to flee. Once your mind is relaxed it may feel as though the procedure takes no time at all.
After the surgery once the anesthesia wears off there may be some pain and discomfort. Please know that this is normal and temporary, and part of your body healing post-surgery. Ask about pain relieving options at your consultation. There will be soreness where the implant has been placed – both in the mouth and jawbone. This will last approximately one week. Exactly where the pain is felt – chin, underneath eyes, cheeks, depends upon where the procedure has been carried out. During your consultation we will gladly do our best to help you estimate recovery time and advise on any medication needs.
Most patients say that the first part of the procedure is more uncomfortable than the second. While both procedures may need pain relief, you will at least have the harder part over first and a brand new smile to look forward to.
Please call now on 020 7580 5954 to make your appointment today.