Are dental implants safe?

Dental implants are a safe and extremely effective method for replacing lost adult teeth. They have been been available as a tooth replacement procedure for the past thirty years.
Dental implants are typically manufactured from titanium, a strong biocompatible metal that is safely accepted by the body and provides a solid foundation for teeth replacement. The inserted implant fuses with the natural bone of the jaw, locking the implant into place. This fusion, known as osseointegration, allows teeth replaced using implants to remain stable and supported in daily use and lets them function in exactly the same manner as regular teeth. Though some procedures can be completed in a single sitting, the general timescale for a complete dental implant is somewhere between three to four months, with time needed for the implants to settle and stabilise before the replacement teeth are fitted.
Not only are dental implants one of the most secure methods of tooth replacement; they are also one of the safest. When performed by an experienced and fully trained dental professional, the procedure is safe and predictable, done using a local anaesthetic and poses minimal potential damage to the patient. In fact, dental implants only begin to pose a problem not through the nature of the procedure but if they are neglected and poorly cared for by their recipient. Implants that are not regularly maintained will develop a coating similar to that of unkempt natural teeth, so as long as the implants are treated in a hygienic manner, they will leave the patient with no unwanted side effects. Interestingly, dental implants are also the only method of restoration that helps to stimulate the growth of the natural bone underneath the missing tooth.
One such fully trained and experienced expert in the field of dentistry and dental implants is Dr. Sam Sherif, a leading cosmetic dentist based at Veritas Dental Care in Harley Street, London. For more information on Dr. Sherif’s availability and to set up a dental implant consultation, call now on 020 7580 5954 to make your appointment.