I count myself as fortunate because my profession is also a passion or hobby to me. This started after I qualified from Guy’s Hospital in 2003, and was during my five years as a specialist resident at Harvard. My professors and mentors are regularly referred to as the ‘best cosmetic dentist’ or ‘top implant dentist’ in their fields and for them to become the best dentist is through a love of dentistry and they passed this affection for our profession on to me.


With an increased respect and knowledge of prosthodontics came a wish to teach and I lectured dental students and residents at Harvard as well as running classes for several years. When I moved to California where I worked in what many state is the top cosmetic and implant dental practice in the 90210 area of Beverly Hills and ran my own office near Malibu my experience as an implant and cosmetic dentist meant I was chosen by Biomet 3i to lecture and teach fellow specialists, generals dentists and laboratory technicians.

On returning home to London five years later I took over a practice from a very accomplished dentist, Dr Vic Miller and continue to care for the general and when required specialist needs of a wonderful set of people who he looked after for many years. We also welcome new patients to 40 Harley Street/Veritas Dental Care who come seeking either a new dentist for regular check ups for themselves and their families or more of a comprehensive restorative or cosmetic dentist.

I like to practice with the advanced training and experience that undergoing speciality training only in America can give you due to the vastly superior funding the universities have on the other side of the Atlantic versus the NHS training pathways here while maintaining a strong sense of conservativeness learnt in my initial training in London. This means that I only recommend for my patients what I would for a friend or family member.

My other interests are research where I have several publications in peer reviewed journals as well as being a member of the America Dental Society of London, a continuing education group that meets monthly to exchange ideas. I am a keen rugby and football follower and have also recently married in the last year to a fellow dentist.

Veritas Dental Care


We work with you to achieve an enhanced yet natural looking smile. We build long-lasting dental relationships, one smile at a time.